people buy from people
Coffee Based Drinks
Happy Customers

how we do it?
Through a uniquely collaborative process that combines Ioana's analytical thinking, with Ana's creative sorcery and Vlad’s obsession with solving impossible problems.

Ioana uses her architectural background to plan and build your ONLINE brand (your online house) while helping you discover and like who you are. From strategy to graphic design, she is here for you.
Ioana’s mission as a personal brand photographer is to create the most authentic portraits that speak to your brand and help you communicate freely and creatively.
There can be no online house without structure and a plan for your brand. Before we design, Ioana always finds the strategy that you can sustain for a long time in your communication plan
Self Love, Personal Brand & Authenticity are Ioana’s favorite subjects. If you want her to talk to your company, your class or at your event, drop us an email.
Ioana founded the first club for IMPERFECT PERFECT PEOPLE by photographing over 300 people and the detail on their bodies they do not like. See it in our Projects.

Strategy is the core of excellent communication. How can you communicate effectively with your ideal client if you first don't understand some "rules"? Then learn how to break & adapt them to your personality! But always remember these three principles: Understand, Connect & Relate.
All great things start with a VISION. To that, Ana brings countless hours of research (& probably too much time spent on her phone). So let's find out how you can stand out in "a sea" full of social media accounts. Your purpose on social media is NOT to chase numbers, followers, and likes. Instead, let's focus our energy on adding VALUE (lots of it!).
Don't get us wrong, the ADOBE suite is amazing but ain't nobody got time for that sometimes. Good design can be done by using different platforms. So let's not limit ourselves & our creativity. Trust Ana, you can do it too! (this is coming from her younger self, that couldn't even draw a straight line).
Music is her most significant source of inspiration; She cannot create without it. Ana will always have music playing in the background on her headphones or, best case scenario: playing it loud on the speakers while focusing on daily tasks. You'll be best friends if you share your favorite songs with her.

Vlad uses his architectural background to help you organize and plan your website while thinking of its design and making it UNIQUE. He loves a challenge and a good structure.
Structure, Vision, Lists, Timelines, these are Vlad’s words to live by. He keeps the Squad on the business track and will help you too with that.
Why spend time with repetitive tasks? If there’s a faster way he will find it and implement it in the office driving everyone crazy for a few days.
“Yes, ma’am” guy or “Challenge accepted” guy. We’ve learned over the years that it’s easier to ask Vlad than google for a solution. He loves fixing things on his own and rarely reads the manuals.

The Squad
Aku’s mom & Self Love Club partner
Runner & heels lover, the FABulous PR
Human Gatherer and ZOF Retreats Creator
Make-up Artist of Sincere Beauty
Youth empowering unicorn & SelfLoveClub PM
Dancer & soulful FAB Brand designer
Let’s Spice Things Up
Cool interviewer, FAB Reels & TikTok Specialist